So you need a Virtual Assistant?
What’s HOT! That you might be missing… Everyone deserves their own personal assistant. Life can get crazy and finding better ways to “Outsource” is the key… Check out these slick solutions that are topping the charts: Patlive- Lets face it, just answering the messages and phone calls are getting to more than a […]
6 ways to INVEST
I have ONE QUESTION! Seriously……. Take 10 seconds and close your eyes… Just do it, no ones watching this is a blog. * WHILE YOUR EYES ARE CLOSED I WANT YOU TO IMAGINE WHAT IT WOULD FEEL LIKE FOR YOU EVERY MONTH AFTER YOU WALKED TO THE MAILBOX, OPENED THE DOOR, & PULLED OUT $1,000 […]
Fresh Start “Today”?
“We all want to become better people, but often we have self-control problems. We might say to ourselves, ‘Today is not a good time; tomorrow is better.’” –Hengchen Dai WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BEGIN: Having goals can feel like creating “a clean slate”. Motivation is crucial to people performing effectively when they undertake an […]